1 cardboard toilet tissue tube
tissue paper
dried beans
stickers, optional
scissors, with adult supervision


1. Cut tissue paper 6 inches longer than tube.
2. Center cardboard tube on one end of tissue paper.
3. Roll tissue around tube several times.
4. Gather extra tissue at one end and tie yarn at the end of the tube.
5. Fill cardboard tube 1/3 full of dried beans.
6. Gather extra tissue on other end and tie with yarn.
7. Shake!

Pre-school LibraryBananas for LunchCount the BananasPaper Bag PuppetChamp's Reading List
Pre-school LibraryBananas for LunchCount the BananasPaper Bag PuppetChamp's Reading List
© 2009 Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
310 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: 704-416-0100
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