Scissors /parental supervision
Black & Yellow Crayons
Craft Stick


1. Cut out head, color one side black, color other side yellow with crayon.
2. Cut out nose/mouth piece, color smile pattern black, color frown pattern yellow.
3. On black side of head, glue eyes and craft stick to front, then glue black nose/mouth over the craft stick.
4. On yellow side of head, glue eyes and yellow nose/mouth pattern.

Pre-school LibraryThe Yellow GorillaBaby Gorilla Goes ShoppingReversible Gorilla Stick PuppetGorilla Reading List
Pre-school LibraryThe Yellow GorillaBaby Gorilla Goes ShoppingReversible Gorilla Stick PuppetGorilla Reading List
© 2009 Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
310 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: 704-416-0100
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