Reading ListPets Reading List

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An Octopus Followed Me Home

Written & Illustrated by Dan Yaccarino

A little girl comes home with an octopus in hand longing to keep him for a pet, however convincing her father could be a problem. Through rhyming text and large, colorful illustrations her father reminds her of all the strange animals he has let her keep, such as penguins in the freezer, elepahnts in teh garage and mountain goats on the roof. Will she be able to add an octopus to her collection?

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Can I Keep Him?

Written & Illustrated by Steven Kellogg

Mom always has a good reason for saying no to Arnold's "Can I Keep Him?" question. The dog will be too noisy. Grandma is allergic to cats. The fawn will grow into a wild buck with sharp hoofs and antlers. And, of course, the bear would have a disagreeable odor. It goes on and on with Arnold's imagination running wild as he tries to convince his mother that he has found the perfect pet. Kellogg's illustrations, as well as the satisfying ending, will put a smile on your face.

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Chewy Louie

Written & illustrated by Howie Schneider

Have you ever owned a puppy? If yes, then you already know the story of Chewy Louie. As soon as Louie arrives at his new home, he begins chewing. The problem is that he won't stop chewing! After Louie chews his way through the house, through the construction crew, through one vet, two dog trainers, and a birthday party, Louie's family is ready to find him a new home. Will this be the end of Chewy Louie, or will he finally stop chewing? Discover for yourself in this comical story of puppy ownership.

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Emma's Elephant & Other Favorite Animal Friends

Written & Photographed by David Ellwand

What kind of pet do you have? A cat. A dog. An ELEPHANT! All different kinds of pets, from Simon's slithery snake to Caroline's contented cockatoo, are shown in large black and white photographs with their child owner in this visually appealing book. While it is funny to look at the pictures it is even more fun trying to read out loud the bold alliterated text that will leave your tongue twisted. See if you can find your pet in this book.

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Harry the Dirty Dog

Gene Zion
Illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham

Harry, the dog hates baths and knows exactly what to do when he hears the bath water running. He hides the scrubbing brush and runs away! But after some fun-filled dirty adventures will his family still recognize him?

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I Can't Get My Turtle to Move

Elizabeth Lee O'Donnell
Illustrated by Maxie Chambliss

A little girl has a problem. She can get all her animals to move, except her turtle. The goldfish swim, the hens peck, the rabbits hop, but the lazy turtle just sits there. happily, she comes up with a solution. This colorful counting book uses appealing animal pictures, done in watercolor and ink, to count from one to ten. It will delight young children with its simple repetitive text that will soon have them counting along.

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The Grannyman

Written & Illustrated by Judith Bryon Schachner

This is a sweet and loving tale about Simon, a very old cat. He can't see or hear anymore, and he can eat only baby food which he manages to dribble all over himself. Though his family still adores him, he feels utterly useless and dreams of his life as a young cat. Suddenly something new and soft and cuddly comes into his life. Now Simon is busy, very busy, and has alot to look forward to -even a new name. The pictures, drawn in watercolor and charcoal, lovingly capture Simon as he ages from a kitten to a very old cat. This book is a must for anyone who has ever loved a cat.

Pre-school LibraryThe Perfect PetPick a PetPuppy PuppetPets Reading List
Pre-school LibraryThe Perfect PetPick a PetPuppy PuppetPets Reading List
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