Reading ListClyde's Reading List

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Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree

Written & Illustrated by Eileen Christelow

The five monkeys from "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed," are back and into more trouble. While their mother snoozes, the mischievous monkeys scamper up a tree and dangle from a limb, teasing Mr. Crocodile in the water below. Mr. Crocodile SNAPS them up one by one, or does he? A humorous tale that will have your child chanting, "You can't catch me!" along with the little monkeys. Christelow's cartoon-style illustrations bring this traditional counting rhyme alive and available for any child to enjoy.

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Imagine You Are a Crocodile

Karen Wallace
Illustrated by Mike Bostock

Step into the world of a "huge, hungry crocodile" as she waits underwater for a catfish to swim close. At the same time she shows her vulnerability as she lets small birds peck food from her teeth. After her babies hatch from their eggs, she becomes a mother crocodile, fierce and watchful. The bright, watercolor illustrations make the crocodile appear to jump from the pages, while the smooth poetry of the text whispers: "Imagine you are a crocodile."

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Keep Your Mouth Closed, Dear

Written and Illustrated by Aliki

Charles, a young crocodile, cannot stop swallowing things. When he opens his mouth, a wooden spoon, a can of baby powder, and even his father's alarm clock just fall in! His parents try every remedy from a zipper to paper bags and socks to keep his mouth closed, but nothing seems to work until Charles get "sucked up" by the spring cleaning. Over 30 years old, this book has stood the test of time and children will love to hear this story again and again.

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Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile

Written & Illustrated by Bernard Waber

Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile is a classic picture book that is still as funny and exciting as it was when it was first published. Imagine having a crocodile for a pet who can sing, dance, play games and is helpful. Unfortunately, the neighbor thinks that Lyle is too friendly with his cat. After a series of escapades that land Lyle in trouble, he is sent to live in the zoo. But nothing can keep Lyle from his family. Waber's delightful watercolor illustrations bring the streets of downtown Manhattan to life.

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Rockabye Crocodile

Written & Illustrated by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey

In this retelling of a classic Philippine fable Anabelle, a cheerful friendly boar, rocks a howling baby crocodile to sleep and earns a basket full of fish from the crocodile's mother. But when Nettie, the mean, selfish neighboring boar tries to do the same she only gets "spiders and scorpions, rats and bats." Nettie learns that a more pleasant attitude brings good fortune.

Pre-school LibraryClyde's Smile5 Hungry CrocsStand-up CrocodileClyde's Reading List
Pre-school LibraryClyde's Smile5 Hungry CrocsStand-up CrocodileClyde's Reading List
© 2009 Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
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