Vocabulary Sixth Grade
At the nature park
a steep hill a wide river a high waterfall a narrow stream a dark cave a long bridge a small island a deep lake
At the theme park
a waterslide a roller coaster a big wheel a prize a bouncy castle candyfloss a toffee apple bumper cars merry - go - round
At the airport
arrivals departures get your boarding card check in your luggage go through security security guard show your passport pilot flight attendant board the plane go to your gate passenger
At the weather centre
freezing temperatures heavy rain dark clouds sunny a blizzard a storm a heat wave heavy snow strong winds thunder and lightning high temperatures dry
On the film set
stuntman extra director camera operator fan shake hands bodyguard actor wave sign an autograph reporter
At the concert
lights band drummer speaker keyboard player keyboards drum guitarist electric guitar stage lead singer microphone
At the camp
rope fishing line binoculars shelter needle and thread whistle rucksack frying pan knife plasters matches
At the planetarium
star meteorite satellite space station moon crater Earth alien astronaut space shuttle rocket telescope
At the museum
first floor display lift entrance ticket office lockers stairs ground floor exit information desk headphones audio guide